Thought for the Day/Week


"In my view, the Christian religion is most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people."

~Noah Webster- preface to 1828 Dictionary~

April 25, 2011

Easter with 5 grandbabies...What Fun!


Esther was successful in her hunt for eggs this year.Aunt Rachel... Do eggs grow on bushes? Ethan found it!!! Gwama! Look what I found!!! Ruthie adds to her stash.

With 4 babies hunting eggs, the adult participation/supervision had to increase. Parents: "Let me show you kids how to blow bubbles!"
" Mommy, I can do it!" Each kid got a "bubble wand". "Mommy, give it back... "
"See mommy! I can make bubbles too!" Ethan can do bubbles..."catch these Ruthy!" Whether it was blowing them, or chasing and popping them, Ethan was going strong.
Grandpa and James- bonding time
Before naps, the babies put on old shirts, and we all colored eggs around the table.

Charity enjoyed this activity as well.

The older kids and parents helped...

Once the babies were down for a nap, we had a "treasure hunt" for the big kids/adults.

upstairs, downstairs, indoors, outdoors...In the water spout?Charity used our Bible felts to tell the Easter story...assisted by the 2 year olds; who were not always the most attentive audience after ingesting so much sugar!

We enjoyed our day with family.
"gwamma, candy...gwamma, cookie, gramma, watch this!!!" The effects of the sugar were felt by all the kids!

Christ the Lord is Risen! A time for celebration.

April 19, 2011

Booming Business

Chris recently passed a grueling 4 hour test and was able to obtain his Masters Licence in heating and Air Conditioning. He is on the search for a cargo van (please pray with us) with a ladder rack on top, and shelving inside for all the do-dads and gadgets he will need. I am very proud of my ambitious, selfless, and tireless husband as he continues to invest his time and skills for our family and others to the glory of God.

April 15, 2011

A new addition to the family

No, it isn't a new grandbaby!

This is our new "white/blue merle" collie. Her name is Sierra.She is 11 months old. She is warming up to our family, as well as the other dogs.
She has a beautiful white thick fur, with a blue merle face...(brown, black, gray and white)
She will be able to bear tri-color, white, blue merle or sable collie pups...a mix of all the collie colors.
Welcome Sierra.

Health issues bring a change of plans

Of course we always enjoy visiting family, but an emergency called us away unexpectedly to Joplin, when Chris' mom, Darlene, was very sick. She had a very severe case of pnemonia, which had gotten into her bloodstream. She was put on a venthilator in ICU and was unconcious for 9 days. She was in the hospital for 2 weeks. She is still recovering, and we are blessed to still have her with us!

Visiting with family

Misc. winter events

Of course, the hightlight of this winter was the coming of the new puppies in Feb.

Samuel, Hannah and Chris attended several WSU bastketball games, and were pleased when they won the NIT tournament. The family visited the home of Jacob Flora to watch the Super Bowl.
Karla and I took Sarah and Kayla to Panera to celebrate completing their Youth Symphony auditions.
The Moms
And of course, another orchestra concert in March... Sarah and friends

Hannah gets her horse(es)

Who would've ever imagined that Hannah could have horses, when we live in town? It has been her dream, but recently, some friends of ours-the Cooks- decided to retire from owning horses. Hannah, of course, was happy to take them off of their hands.Hannah and Briana Cook with the horses We spent a Saturday... loading them into a horse tailer and transporting them to Dan and Rebecca's pasture.

Horse day, 2011
Everyone gives it a try (except me!!!) "Ok, Ok...I've been on the horse, now let me off!!!" bareback Sarah Esther gets frequent rides...after all, the horses live at her house! Hannah has been training the brown horse, "Glory".

Hannah on the prairie

and into the sunset...