Thought for the Day/Week


"In my view, the Christian religion is most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people."

~Noah Webster- preface to 1828 Dictionary~

October 28, 2009

Little Ethan's Birthday...He's 1!

This past Saturday, our family travelled out to Dave and Rachel's in Whitewater to celebrate Little Ethan's 1st birthday.

He really enjoys receiving cards...
something to carry around, and tear up.
Rachel is fast approaching her due date, and the Dr. says she could
go into labor any time now. Please remember her in your prayers.
This picture has no significance,
just that I thought his expression was cute. ;-)

He didn't seem to comprehend the concept of ripping the paper off of the gift.
If his aunts and uncles have anything to do with it,
he will master this skill by Christmas!

Hannah thought he should have candy.
She got him Kit Kat bars, and a baggie of SOUR skittles.

Did I mention they were SOUR?

Ethan enjoyed his presents...he's especially good with tools.

Notice, "a hammer in each hand!" Push play to watch this video clip.

We finished the evening with cheesecakes and hugs. The sunset was especially beautiful that day. It was a very happy birthday.

October 23, 2009

Hannah turns 16

Oh how fast they grow up! My little baby girl Hannah turned 16 on Sunday. What a blessing she has been to us. With the interest that she has in photography, she got a camera for her birthday. She has been taking scenery shots, Senior pictures (of Samuel), many dog photos, and much more.

Rebecca and Dan gave Hannah a book on horses and different breeds. This book now sits on our coffee table.
We had dinner (her favorite BLT sandwiches) with the family, and then travelled out to the Kansas Colliseum for an evening of "barrel racing" with friends and family. Hannah was equipped with her camera at all times.
Many in this group were experiencing culture shock, I'm sure.
It was quite an event. We all enjoyed a rather radical change of scenery...this is not something we do every day...or any day for that matter!

It really was an exciting sport.

Esther was fascinated by the "doggies" (ie. horses)

The event was a little "short handed" on help, so Samuel volunteered to help set up barrels that were knocked over during the event. Our crowd gave him more applause than even the riders received. (I hope he wasn't embarrassed! ;-)
Once we returned home, we watched the short animated Christmas movie, "Small One", which used to be Hannah's favorite movie when she was a toddler. Afterwards, we had ice cream cake and doughnuts. That should be enough sugar for a month!
Yesterday, we went outside and took her 16 year portraits. This is one of my favorites.

Happy 16th Birthday, Hannah.

October 22, 2009

October 2009 misc.

We are taking senior pictures of Samuel this year.

I hope to get a sitting during each season this year. This, as you can guess, is his senior pictures for the fall.

No self-respecting grandmother would fail to post the most current pictures of the cutest babies in the world! (or so grandma says!)

Ethan Joel Busenitz turns 1 year old!

While Ethan was here for a visit, Grandma taught him to sing "Can Do". He is so smart, I could understand every word he sang, and notice his perfect pitch! He's also quite proficient as a percussionist, don't you think?!

Esther Renee Busenitz turns 1 year old!

I just had to post this video clip as well...
While visiting us the other day, Hannah took Esther outside,
where she heard the dogs bark, and then imitated them.
Hannah just happened to get it on video.
Here's the clip!

Peacemaker's Seminar

The Last Weekend in September, Chris and Teresa accompanied Jeff and Karla Flora to Dallas, Texas to attend a seminar to learn the Biblical principles concerning conflict resolution. It was an excellent time of learning and encouragement in the Word of God.

Our hotel provided breakfast every morning which was an
excellent time to discuss what we had learned the day before.
We met at the DFW Airport Hyatt Regency Hotel.
I assure you, these are the most avid and attentive participants in the entire conference!

There were approximately 500 attendees.

Director and author Ken Sande spoke to us concerning the need to make the Gospel the center of our lives. It contains the example of Christ in our relationships with others...we forgive as Christ forgave us. We may suffer wrong, as Christ suffered wrong. As we recognize our own sinful condition before a holy God, and seeing how much he still loves us, so should we have that unconditional and compassionate love for others. We were in awe of many of the speakers, and the clear message of the Gospel
of Jesus Christ that was presented in the workshops on:
  • bitterness
  • discouragement
  • contentment
  • hope
  • idols of the heart
  • worry and fear
  • forgiveness

and the list goes on.

This is Mr. Robert Jones...(not THE Bob Jones).
His message on bitterness was probably the most profound and Biblical I've ever heard on that subject.

We met many new friends who encouraged us in the Lord.

This is Brian, a pastor from Idaho.

This is Dan, a pastor here in Wichita!

This sweet lady is Mrs. Rogg. Her husband is a retired judge in the juvenile courts here in Wichita. He retired a few years ago, because God laid on his heart a desire to actually do something about conflict, instead of just passing judgment and going on. He is now a Christian Conciliator in the Kansas City area. What a worthy pursuit!
It was sure nice to get back home, where there is a little bit of sanity concering the highway infrastructure, as well as our loving children whom we missed very much!

Wickham Party

This past Friday evening, we were invited to attend a fall
get-together with the Wickham family and many of their friends.

The scenery was beautiful!

Getting out of the city for a while, and enjoying the countryside.

The girls took a long walk around the property.

The guys got their exercise in a much different manner!


We roasted hot dogs, and had s'mores.

and got to visit with some old and new friends!

We had the privilege of hearing the testimony of a young man named Andy from Colorado who was raised as an atheist, and an evolutionist,and how God's Word brought him to a realization of not only God, the creator, but also of Christ, the savior.It was a bit brisk, OK, it was downright COLD! However, we ended the evening with acapella hymns around the campfire. It was a blessing to our family.

October 20, 2009

Misc. Summer

OHHHH NOOOO! Guess who's got their learners permit, and now sits behind the wheel!

Hannah received the "Koch Cultural Grant" with which she was able to purchase a new
violin, and pass down her old one to Sarah.

Daniel turned 19 on September 29th. It was a very happy birthday!

Our family went out and helped Dan work 58 head of cattle this summer.
Both Hannah and Sarah participated, giving shots, pest control...
Mom helped cook dinner IN THE HOUSE!

Samuel did the branding!!! OUCH!

The girls played 4 hours of background music for the grand opening of a local
rehabilitation center in August.

One of Samuel's "entrepreneurial ventures".

Samuel in his "Butler County" colors, and Daniel dons the apparel of "Wichita State".
"The sons of thunder" continue!
Charity turned 9 this past August.
Ethan is one year old now. He has learned to walk,
says "HOT!" and loves to sing with Grandma.

More of Hannah's "special effect" photos.

Daniel and Samuel bought a truck for their lawn business this summer.
They paid for it with cash!

Hannah still spends a lot of her time working/playing with her dogs.

This summer we added a new barn/shed to our backyard.
It still needs one more coat of paint before winter!
Samuel has been working on some roping tricks. This one is called the "ocean wave".

(click on it to watch the video clip)