Thought for the Day/Week


"In my view, the Christian religion is most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people."

~Noah Webster- preface to 1828 Dictionary~

November 20, 2009

Youth Symphony Concert and pizza party

This fall's Youth Symphony concert was a highlight, since many from both sides of our family were able to attend...including Jonathan Busenitz's first "Orchestral Experience".

What a treat to have both sets of 'Great Grandparents' in attendance. At home, before leaving for the concert, Ethan and Jonathan were the center of attention.

The 'Great Grandfathers' got their turn at doting on the boys. This year, we only have 3 in the Youth Symphony Orchestra program. Samuel and Hannah are in the "Youth Symphony", and Sarah is in the "Chamber Orchestra".

Sarah had the privelege of sitting as the concertmaster of the Chamber Orchestra this semester. It was exciting, but a little unnerving as well.

click play to hear a brief excerpt from the Chamber Orchestra.

Dan and Rebecca were able to attend the concert as well, which gave the 'Great Grandparents' another opportunity to enjoy those little ones. Esther is getting passed around during intermission.

Intermission in the Chaney/Massey rows. As the Repertory Orchestra prepares for their section of the program, our favorite harpist-Amanda Gerlach prepares and tunes. We heard some lovely harp solos!

Hannah played 1st violin in the Youth Symphony this year. She did an excellent job! Their orchestra played extremely well and received a standing ovation upon completing their program.

Samuel, a violist in the Youth Symphony, and one of many seniors who will graduate from the program this year.

The Youth Symphony- Fall semester 2009

Click play to hear a brief excerpt of the Youth Symphony.

After the concert, Ethan and Esther were ready to run around the lobby for a while.

Most of our family and friends were able to join us at Pizza Hut following the concert.
We had an enjoyable time visiting. Our nephew, Kevin Chaney, was home for a visit from "The Citadel" in South Carolina.

The Gerlach family was able to join us as well. It is always a special treat to spend time with them. Some of us can sleep through anything! I took several special group shots...Darlene and Richard Chaney came from Joplin, accompanied by Chris' sister, Donna.
Chris and Mike talking about...whatever it is men talk about. Ok, we have no room to talk...the ladies did the same thing. I took a few "young couple shots"...Dan and Rebecca, with Esther hiding in the background. Dave and Rachel, with little Ethan attempting the "great escape".
Kevin Chaney, and his special friend from South Carolina, Gabriella, or "Gabby". She is a very sweet girl, and we all enjoyed getting to know her.
Daniel and Amanda enjoying what has come to be known as "Gravy" extra time together outside of the official courtship. Samuel and Hannah decided that they needed a "couples shot" too. They are certainly a lovely couple.

November 10, 2009

November Programs

Heritage Strings has done a large number of programs in recent weeks.
The younger kids were asked to play at 4 different Veteran's Day events in the month of November. The older group has 2 engagements in November, as well as several Christmas events planned for December. Please remember them in your prayers as they minister, that they will not only be a testimony in their music and behavior, but that doors would open to share "the reason for the hope that is within us".

One of the Veterans programs was at the Whitewater American Legion Hall on Thursday, November 12th. We celebrated those who have served our country in military service.

The younger kids did a program of beautiful and inspirational patriotic songs.
Sarah and Charity were among the young people playing violin in this program.

Having the young children involved in the music was a special bonus to those in attendance.
One of the highlights of the evening was the section of the program in which Christopher Thacker read a brief history of each military branch's theme song. As the kids played each of the songs, those from that particular branch of the military were asked to stand.

This is a video clip of the "Caisson's Go Rolling Along" to honor those who served in the army-and some are rather enthusiastic, I might add!
click play to watch the clip.

This video clip was the Navy's turn to stand and be recognized.

There were tears in nearly every eye as David Thacker read a brief history of taps, and called for a moment of silence to honor those who gave their lives for our country, followed by a slow "bagpipe-sounding" arrangement of Amazing Grace (arr. by Rebecca Busenitz), played by Sarah and Kayla.

Some of the younger kids were joined by some of their older siblings to honor 22 American Veterans at the Park West Plaza in Wichita on Wednesday, November 11th. Thanks to Mark Davis of "Hospice Care of Kansas" for providing this opportunity. No patriotic program is complete without "Stars and Stripes forever".
Click play to hear the clip.
Among the 22 American veterans present at this program were 2 ladies who were nurses in World War in the Army, and one in the Navy. One gentleman was stationed at Pearl Harbor. The hearts of these elderly veterans touched each of us as many of them tearfully relayed stories of their hardships and of their fallen comrades.
The finale of the patriotic program was a violin duet arranged by Rebecca, of
"America the Beautiful".
click to listen to the final portion of this song.

One very difficult opportunity that God provided was on Sunday, November 8th. This program was for the "Hospice Care of Kansas" organization. They held their bi-annual memorial banquet for the families of those who had lost loved ones over the past 6 months. 268 people were honored and remembered at this banquet, with family members in attendance. The girls played quiet classical, and hymn arrangements, as well as some folk and mountain hymn arrangements as people arrived, as well as during the meal. During the program, the girls did a "celtic" arrangement of "For the Beauty of the Earth", and Sarah and Kayla played a violin duet arrangement of "The Old Rugged Cross". Since some of those who had passed away during this 6 month period were young children, they especially wanted the younger girls to play, and what better selection than to direct their focus on the one who gives us life, both now and for eternity.

The banquet hall was at Georgetown in south Wichita.

The guests were served a beautiful catered buffet dinner.

The music lent an atmosphere of solace and comfort, as it was designed to point those in attendance to the God of the universe, who understands our needs, and gives eternal life.
We were impressed with the Hospice Care of Kansas organization and people. It was a blessing to work with them.

Sarah has become a proficient pianist, adding a much needed dimension to this group.

Another recent Veteran's program was for the Kechi Veterans celebration on Saturday, November 7th. This program composed of 2 songs performed by the girls, and an acapella version of "The Star Spangled Banner" performed by Yours truly... :-o I also had the "privlege" of singing one other patriotic number, accompanied by Karla.
This gathering gave us the opportunity to visit with several of our neighbors, and get acquainted in a less formal setting. May God use our meager abilities to open doors of ministry and the ability to share our faith with others, but especially bring honor to our God.
I also had the unique opportunity to lead the crowd in a couple of patriotic numbers. I guess you're never too old to do something new! (as well as out of your comfort zone!)
the Kechi veterans posing for a photo.
The "small group" of musicians...including the "timid one!"


The younger kids also did the same patriotic program on Monday, November 2nd, at the Bel Aire Senior Center. This was aired on Veterans day on Bel Aire's local TV station; channel 7.

November 9, 2009



Pictures to follow!
We have just returned from the hospital. Mama and baby are both doing very well. Thanks to all of you who have prayed. We are rejoicing in the goodness of our God.
Jonathan Seth Busenitz weighed in at a whopping 7 lbs. 4 oz.  He has dark hair, and a sweet disposition.
My mommy and daddy love me!         

A special "sister" shot.


and Mommy...

Aunt Charity

Aunt Sarah...

Aunt Hannah

Uncle Samuel

Uncle Daniel

Daniel and Amanda

Aunt Rebecca, and cousin Esther...

Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa with mommy and me.

a closeup

The beautiful blanket that mommy crocheted.

"Just hangin' out with the guys!"

Welcome, little Jonathan, to the family.

Just a note:
Jonathan was the name of Dave's uncle, who was killed in a farming accident a few years ago.
As we all are aware, God's timing is always perfect.  November 9th, little Jonathan's birthday, was also Uncle Jonathan's birthday.