Thought for the Day/Week


"In my view, the Christian religion is most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people."

~Noah Webster- preface to 1828 Dictionary~

September 27, 2010

Young Peacemakers

Chris and the older kids have been attending a seminar on Sunday nights entitled, "Thinking Like a Christian". The emphasis is on the world-view of a believer, whether it would be secular, or Biblical.
Since Charity was not old enough to attend these session, Karla and I decided to begin a session of our own entitled "The Young Peacemaker". Since we'd be teaching it anyway, we invited a couple of moms with children who would also not be attending the 'big kids seminar'.
Charity, and her friend Meliah.
The goal is to teach the young people how to deal Biblically with conflict.
We teach a lesson, memorize a verse, read scripture together, do some role playing, do some puzzles and reading, and then...
serve refreshments.So far, it has been excellent training for these kids. This class will last 12 weeks.

September 23, 2010

Preparing Rachel's flower garden for Jamie's memorial

We were blessed with decent weather. We all got out in the yard, and cleaned out 4 flower beds, and the vegetable garden.
The bed next to the house was where Dave and Rachel wanted to lay the stone for Jamie's memorial. It was cleaned out, and mulched in.Charity and Ethan breaking up clumps of mulch.
"I helping!"
Rachel and Jonathan look on.
Next spring, these beds should be beautiful.
The trellis from Dave and Rachel's wedding with climbing roses.
getting rid of the weeds
Down at the creek
Charity helped out with a few dishes.
Rachel's front porch display...Daddy, Mommy, Ethan, Jonathan, and baby Jamie in heaven.
Both sets of grandparents contributed a flowering fall bush to plant by the babies memorial
Ethan smells the flowers Jamie's memorial.
Chris made a cross to commemorate Christ's death, and resurrection, realizing that we will see this child one day when we are resurrected as well.

September- Chaney family happenings

September means...yes you guessed it; SCHOOL! Charity is now a 4th grader. Sarah is in 8th grade, and Hannah is a Junior. I can hardly believe that we only have 3 left in school...besides having the 2 boys in college. Time has flown so quickly. I can only hope that once they leave our home, that the Godly values, and the desire to know God and His Word will be solidly built into their lives...and not just academics.Well, it may not seem like a big deal to most of you, but this bathroom has the one goal that the Chaney household has had for the past 11 years! This week, we purchased the vanity and pantry cabinet that we wanted, and Chris put the vanity in place, cut the holes for the pipes and water lines, and set the sink that we had found on "Craigslist" on the top. The wood is unfinished, so there is still work to be done. This is another step forward! I anticipate writing a post someday that shows the various steps in the process, as well as the completed project. I think Chris is doing a beautiful job!
The bathroom is beginning to look finished! The girls have continued to take some breathtaking shots of some summer and fall flowers.
Here are some shots by Hannah, that I thought were particularly beautiful.
Morning glories

Sun- flowers

Not sure what it is, but it's pretty.
Baby Jamies cross, with pure white carnations.

Hannah and Desiree Entz continue their work training the horse.
They have been able to saddle him, and put weight on the saddle.
Karla's birthday rolled around, so Shari and I took her to dinner...

So our families took advantage of the situation, and concocted a volleyball game!

Daniel and Amanda were blessed to take a trip to KC with Mr. and Mrs. Gerlach. They found a park in which they took pictures.

I'm sure many other adventures await us in September, and we hope to meet each new event with God's direction and blessing.

September 22, 2010


Our oldest granddaughter turns 2. It was a joyous occasion, with lots of children and laughter. Esther opened her presents...
finding goodies of many kinds.
Let's play Candyland!
She blew out her candles on the cake her Aunt Sarah made for her...
...and Aunt Hannah added a dollup of "keem!"
The children enjoying their cake
Dave and Rachel's family came to help celebrate the occasion...
Ruthy and Jonathan kept the floor occupied, doing their army crawls to keep up with the other kids. Daniel and Amanda enjoyed the event, did other friends and family.
(Great Grandma Schwindt)
checking out the new treasures
3D glasses from Uncle Samuel!
Reading the new books with Aunt Charity
Discovering Duplos with daddy
Ethan could care less about the new toys, he was intrigued with the balloons!
Esther experiment with her new toothbrush.

Esther, we love you and pray that as you mature in stature, that you will one day earnestly follow the Lord with your whole heart.

Happy Birthday