Thought for the Day/Week


"In my view, the Christian religion is most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people."

~Noah Webster- preface to 1828 Dictionary~

July 20, 2010

July- spending time with family part 1- Our trip to Joplin

It all started with a casual phone conversation with Cindy. When I asked how things were going in Joplin, she shared a need for help in the area of clearing Grandmama and Papa's front acreage which is filled with trees, which had become overgrown after years of ice storms and an inability to mow, due to fallen branches.

After that call, we realized the urgency of the need and headed out to Joplin complete with lawn equipment, work clothes and a desire to help out wherever we could. As we passed Grandmama and Papa's driveway on the way to Mike and Cindy's house, Samuel commented, "I'm sure glad THAT isn't what we have to clean out!" Sorry Samuel, That is precisely what we came to clean out! And so the work began. Little by little, it started looking better... The idea here is "TEAMWORK".

Charity is GLAD to help!! "This is so much fun!"

Some of the branches were very large. Many of the trees had to be pruned, as well as ridding them of the poison ivy and oak that was climbing on them.

looking better!

The girls were excited to find various forms of wildlife: a turtle

a tree frog
a variety of wild flowers...
Once the piles of debris was over our heads, they had to burn it down...
Uncle Mike starts the fire.
There were other areas in need of some attention, so the work crew cleared those areas as well. removing rocks branches The boys spent some time on the roof, clearing the gutters. As the day wore on, the kids (and adults) were hot and tired, and soon the kids got silly, distracted, and started thinking of other things. HMMMM...I wonder....
If I should just jump NOW!Donna and I came to help gather sticks. She was such a great help!
The work continues

The results were amazing. In only one day, they had cleaned out that area, as well as several other odd jobs.
It looked so much better.
Since it was the 4th of July, we were able to go to Carthage to watch the fireworks after dinner.
The next morning, we decided to treat the kids to a tour of: "PRECIOUS MOMENTS"!
As you can imagine, not everyone thought this would be their "ideal outing"!
Which one is most Precious????
However, we took the chapel tour.
Some of us enjoyed the walk through the gardens. The tour begins at the doors of the chapel....
Inside, we found a myriad of paintings, all depicting Biblical stories and events.
heaven... A guide explains many details of each painting, presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a very clear manner.

As time went on, we began to see, it wasn't about those "cartoon" images, figurines and paintings. It was about a man, who because of his love for his Lord, took the gifts and talents that he had been given, and used them to point others to God, and to tell thousands and thousands of people of the Christ who has brought him salvation.
All soon agreed, that is wasn't what they expected, and it was worth seeing. However, the gift shop didn't excite the boys, like it did some of us. Yes, mom got a Christmas tree ornament.
Which one is Uncle Sam? At the end of the trip to Joplin, we all could better understand the verses found in 1Peter 4:10-
"As every man has received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the varied grace of God."
Thank you Sam Butcher for your example to us of using your gifts to glorify God, and point others to Christ in a unique way, and to encourage all of us to use what God has given us for the benefit of others.

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