Thought for the Day/Week


"In my view, the Christian religion is most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people."

~Noah Webster- preface to 1828 Dictionary~

June 29, 2010


We are learning so much about our own failings and weaknesses, as God has been purging us from sin. Lately, I've personally been inspired with quotes by Spurgeon, or a scripture, or a comment by a commentator, etc. Sometimes, there is a quote that is so profound, that we type it up and hang it on the refrigerator for meditation for our family. Not everything will be profound to others. However, We're adding a quote for the day (or week) on the top of our blog. It is our testimony to our God who is doing wondrous things and changes us day by day into His image. It is our hope that this addition to our blog will bring glory and honor to Him.

June 25, 2010

Congratulations to James Gerlach and Krista Flora

Good friends, Krista Flora and James Gerlach began their courtship this past week. We rejoice with them. Congratulations!


It's that time of year when graduates make their trek across the stage, receiving that piece of parchment paper declaring that they have fulfilled the requirements of their educational system on which they have worked since they were 5 years old.
This is no small feat!
Bonham High School graduate, 2010
The family gathered at Rick and Lori's house... (Brian and Joshua) to congratulate Justin on his accomplishment. We also were able to see Rick in action, as his music production studio was selected to run the stage, lights and sound. It was neat to see him in action. He left early to do last minute set-up and checks. I have to admit that this "outdoor" event, held in a football stadium, was one of the easiest to hear, of any outdoor event I've attended. Even with the strong breezes, Rick was able to provide enough amplification to hear every detail. Good job, Rick.
His speakers
Smile Rick!When the graduates entered, we searched for Justin's head. Justin, walking across the stage to receive his diploma
Afterwards, we gathered back at the house for a "cake" reception in Justin's honor. (Due to the hard work of Lori- Thanks for your hospitality in hosting our family!)
Justin's "MOOOOLAH" card. (Graduates love moolah!)
Grandma and Grandpa with Matt; Rick's oldest- It was sure good to see him again!
Justin will be starting college this fall. Congratulations Justin. May God's blessings be upon you as you forge ahead in your life's endeavours.

June 23, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Proverbs 17:6:
Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.

Is there anything more wonderful than gathering our GROWING family to celebrate the fathers that God has given to us?This year, we celebrated with a bbq rib dinner, some BEAUTIFUL piano playing...
...(no, we didn't plug in the piano ;-) Some equestrian events,
As well as cards and presents for the dads.
This year, the dads received "family night" boxes.
Rachel, those aren't YOUR oreos!
Keeping the kids out of the "treats" that were in those boxes wasn't easy.
After the festivities, we watched a cute movie called "The Runner of Ravenshead", ate homemade cherry pie and ice cream, (thanks to Sarah) which was followed by some lively conversation.

(Some was more legible than others.)

We are so thankful for the wonderful fathers that the Lord has given to our family...

...And the family grows even larger. Grandchild #6 is on the way! Dave and Rachel recently announced that they are expecting their third child this coming February/March!

Congratulations Dave and Rachel!

Psalm 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward.

June 15, 2010


One of the programs that the girls did during camp (details below) was for a Senior group at Immanuel Baptist Church in Wichita. We picked up the girls from camp on that Friday morning, set up, tuned and visited with a few of the seniors who were present.Mr Ron Cox (seniors pastor at Immanuel) introduced the girls.

I think, of all of the programs and testimonies that these girls have done, this was by far the most meaningful. Hannah and Anna were able to share how they had led 3 children to the Lord the day before at a 5-day club. The seniors were so excited to see young people who had a heart to witness and share God's Word to the lost, and rejoiced with them at the greatness of God's work.

God did an especially miraculous work. The music was well done, even though 3 of the girls had not picked up their instruments for 2 weeks. We were reminded of that verse: "For when I am weak, then am I strong. (2 Cor. 12:10)

The girls shared scripture, and played beautiful arrangements of the old hymns, which this group of believers so appreciated. With rejoicing and praise to God, the whole atmosphere exalted our Lord Jesus Christ.

Another video clip

We ate a quick lunch with the seniors, and whisked the girls back to the clubs where the children were waiting to hear more about Jesus.

God was honored and glorified in this luncheon as the girls testified of His mighty works.


Those who know us well, know that we are not prone to change. Therefore, some of you may be surprised to learn that the Chaney's have FINALLY downsized their family vehicle! Now, with only 7 people left at home, it seemed a little like "overkill" to continue using the 15 passenger gas guzzler that we have had for so long...(since 1996) It is still being used as a work vehicle for "Chaney's Heating and Air".

I spent hours on the computer looking at makes and models, comparing features, consumer reports, safety, price etc.

I have to admit, I was overwhelmed! Even more so after we decided on the Chrysler Town and Country minivan. Everything is computerized, and I have to program all sorts of things-garage door openers, safety blinkers, auto door locks, etc. We had another key, not at Wal Mart as we've done all of our lives. It has to have a computer chip programmed into the key as a "theft protection" device or the van will not run!

It is an adjustment, but a wonderful van. We are blessed.
The seats in the back 2 rows actually fold down into the floor! (which is good since we have no space to store them in the garage due to all of our kid's financial ventures!!!) Welcome the Chaney family to the 21st century!

Camp and Program Preparation Night

Due to poor planning on the part of their parents, Hannah and Sarah, as well as the Flora girls, were obligated to play in a program the day camp started, as well as the last Friday of camp. Therefore, much preparation was needed before they left- rehearsing for the programs, and preparing for camp. The girls practicingHannah
They got some "pop" t-shirts to wear during activity time at camp...but got a little carried away with photos!

trying out the air mattresses

Hannah- Studying to shew herself approved unto God

Hannah was pleased this year to be able to attend the CYIA (Christian Youth In Action) training camp for the first 2 weeks in June. CYIA is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) and this training session was held in Newton, Kansas at a Christian school/church.
There were 69 young people who attended the training.

There were 2 ladies and 2 men's dorm rooms. These were Hannah's dorm cohabitants... 18 Young people from our church attended, which made it a little easier to adjust to being away from home.

Abigail Prigge

Bethany was Hannah's bunk-mate. They shared an air mattress.
Each morning, the kids had personal quiet time with the Lord... ...and chapel time in the church's sanctuary. This is a picture of the classroom. Before she came to camp, Hannah had spent a month working very hard on her assignments and memory work to prepare for camp ... ..but she states that the study during their training week was much more gruelling! Hannah said she had never studied so hard in her whole life! The kids were challenged to pick apart various passages of scripture, and learn how to present the Gospel using Old and New Testament stories, as well as memorize the scriptures needed to present the Gospel message in a way that even little children could understand. After a very difficult week, we were able to go to Newton and attend church with Hannah. After church, the cooks made a fabulous lunch for the trainees and their families. This is the CYIA trainees singing a special music number at the church that day.

I was glad to hear that they were able to relax and rest their minds on occasion.
Hannah with Mackenzie and Breanna- friends from our church
They played some organized sports, as well as Foosball
and ping pong.
The second week of training was for practical application.
Each young person learned to give a Bible lesson, sharing the plan of salvation.
(Hannah's 2nd team-(left)Cory Sundquist, Johnie Adkins, Hannah, and Anna Flora...and Anthony Monteleone,(right) who was on staff)
They teach a missionary story, memory verses and lead singing. They were graded on each of these disciplines-which were called "practicums".
The kids split into teams and headed out to 23 different locations to share the gospel with a group of children in various neighborhoods around the Newton and Wichita areas.
Hannah's first team (Zachary Klassen, Katie Stewart, and Hannah) didn't have any children come to club the first two days, so they divided the three of them to teams that needed them the most.
Hannah and Anna Flora
Hannah's 2nd club met at the Salvation Army camp "Hiawatha". There were 4 CYIA students teaching this group, which had up to 28 children in attendance each day.
For 5 days, they are taught the basic Biblical teaching of believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, and living for Him. They had Bible lessons, Missionary story time which emphasized the Gospel, Singing time, and a time to memorize Scripture.A young man in Hannah's group presenting the Bible lesson for the day.

The highlight of Hannah's week:
The young man on the far left is Colby, and the young man on the far right is Cameron. Hannah had the privelege of leading both of these young men to the Lord on Thursday, which was the fulfillment of all of her training, not to mention one of the most exciting events in her life!
On Friday night after all of the club meetings had been completed, the young people all got to enjoy some ice cream at Braums.
Each of the students were graded on their disciplines and training several times during their 2 week session. Hannah passed all of her tests, giving her a "Senior Summer Missionary 2010 with Honors" certificate.
We all gathered on their last Saturday at a "Commissioning Banquet" at which time they would demonstrate some of what they had learned and to receive their certificates, as well as sharing another excellent meal prepared by volunteers.
One young lady called the children to the stage, and demonstrated the missionary story that they had presented to the children at the 5-day clubs.
The trainees sang a song for us at the banquet.
At each table, there were "jewels" bearing the name of each of the children who had heard the gospel that week. We were encouraged to take a jewel and pray for that child this summer.
Hannah- receiving her certificate
The CYIA class of 2010
In all, over 300 children heard the gospel during the 5 day clubs, and 60 children made professions of faith, desiring to know the Lord, and the grow in Him. However, we are also blessed to see the zeal and spiritual growth that occurred in Hannah's life as a result of this training. God used her training to develop a vision to share the Gospel, and have a burden for the lost. It has permeated other areas of her life as well such as a desire for the Word, prayer, and faith. We are grateful to God for leading her life.