Thought for the Day/Week


"In my view, the Christian religion is most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people."

~Noah Webster- preface to 1828 Dictionary~

April 25, 2011

Easter with 5 grandbabies...What Fun!


Esther was successful in her hunt for eggs this year.Aunt Rachel... Do eggs grow on bushes? Ethan found it!!! Gwama! Look what I found!!! Ruthie adds to her stash.

With 4 babies hunting eggs, the adult participation/supervision had to increase. Parents: "Let me show you kids how to blow bubbles!"
" Mommy, I can do it!" Each kid got a "bubble wand". "Mommy, give it back... "
"See mommy! I can make bubbles too!" Ethan can do bubbles..."catch these Ruthy!" Whether it was blowing them, or chasing and popping them, Ethan was going strong.
Grandpa and James- bonding time
Before naps, the babies put on old shirts, and we all colored eggs around the table.

Charity enjoyed this activity as well.

The older kids and parents helped...

Once the babies were down for a nap, we had a "treasure hunt" for the big kids/adults.

upstairs, downstairs, indoors, outdoors...In the water spout?Charity used our Bible felts to tell the Easter story...assisted by the 2 year olds; who were not always the most attentive audience after ingesting so much sugar!

We enjoyed our day with family.
"gwamma, candy...gwamma, cookie, gramma, watch this!!!" The effects of the sugar were felt by all the kids!

Christ the Lord is Risen! A time for celebration.

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