Thought for the Day/Week


"In my view, the Christian religion is most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people."

~Noah Webster- preface to 1828 Dictionary~

December 27, 2010

Christmas at our House

This year, the Massey family was able to be together- all of us- for the first time in several years at the Chaney home in Kechi.
Ricks arrived on Saturday evening, which made for some rousing ping-pong and a late night of visiting before the rest of the family arrived the next day.
People arrived from mid-morning until just after noon. Great Grandpa Massey, and James Busenitz-His 6th great-grandchild We all visited until dinner was served. Uncle Brian enjoys the kids There were plenty of babies to go around. It had been a long time since Matt (Rick's oldest) had been to Kansas. He was amazed at how all of the cousins had changed and GROWN! Uncle Rick, Lori and Larry Larry's first grand baby- Chris Many indulged in the snacks that everyone had brought-CAUGHT YA DAVID! Tending the kids At 2:00, we had dinner with Turkey and all the trimmings. We set up tables, but since there were 40 in attendance, we didn't get to sit together...not in my little dining room! Larry, Vicky and David Brian, Pam and MattFeeding the little ones
After dinner, Chris shared the "true meaning of Christmas".Then we sang carols together.a video clip

Everyone passed out presents to those for whom they were brought.Afterward, we watched a 35 minute video-picture presentation of the lives of Paul and Virginia Massey.

During the day, we took family photos.
Mom and Dad Rick's family Rebecca's family Rachel's family
Daniel and Amanda
Larry- his kids and girlfriend, Vicky and her daughter Savannah Kara and Chris
Brian's family, and his girlfriend, Pam Mom and Dad with 6 great-grandchildren (this is actually funnier than it looks!-we traumatized Grandma and Grandpa)
The grandchildren of Paul and Virginia Massey-17 of them, 2 grandchild spouses and 1 girlfriend The original family Mom and Dad with children's spouses-girlfriends Since the next day was a work day, Ricks headed back to Texas, and each family left one by one.

It was a short visit, but for this one day, we were together as we celebrated the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ who came to earth to die for us.

December 16, 2010

Baby James Daniel Busenitz makes his grand entrance!

Congratulations Dan and Rebecca on the birth of James Daniel Busenitz.
Born December 14th, 2010 at 11:00 p.m.
He is 8 lbs. 2 oz.
20 1/4 inches
dark brown hairand he's just beautiful!
His sisters are looking forward to getting to know him.
Sweet baby

December 10, 2010

Mom turns ????

Dad took mom and the kids that are still at home to Johnny Carinos for dinner to help celebrate mom's birthday- and also his birthday, which was the week prior to mom's.the big kids
the following evening, the family gathered for dinner, and put up the Christmas tree.
Samuel's infamous pink ornament
Ruthy receives her "baby's first Christmas" ornament
Grandpa helps Esther decorate the tree.
Ethan is also a big helpJonathan was intrigued by the bell ornament
we also need some ornaments on the upper branches!
Daniel reviews his ornaments
Mom enjoys decorating the tree every year.
lighting the tree
Then we hit the Wi games. Dave, the flying chicken.