Thought for the Day/Week
"In my view, the Christian religion is most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people."
~Noah Webster- preface to 1828 Dictionary~
April 23, 2010
City Wide Garage Sales are our FAVORITE outing!
Working Hard At What They Do
In order to run the drain line for the shower, he had to rent a jackhammer, and bust up the concrete to put in a drain-line extension, then run the drain line which will be under the shower. He then finished the ceiling-
Hannah has employed her time much differently! Here is her project:
She's been working with her and Samuel's dogs, training them to do tricks.
Click here to watch Dixie's latest trick.Another of Dixie's tricks, Hannah took her down to the end of the block, and taught her to stay. I'm glad there wasn't any traffic!
and our big boy, BANJO He just watches the girls do their tricks, but he is a beautiful dog.The boys (Daniel and Samuel) continue to build their lawn business, working every morning and most evenings. Samuel is also taking 14 hours at Butler County Community College, and Daniel is taking 17 hours at Wichita State. Both are facing finals in the next couple of weeks. Daniel continues to work for Masco Inc. as the accounts receivable manager, which is an internship position from Wichita State. Samuel is still busy with his dog business, and small engine repair. He's having to adjust to writing term papers...a job he has decided is NOT his favorite thing.
Charity should finish her 3rd grade year in about 2 weeks.
I'm simply holding the fort. Clean clothes, sack lunches, proofreading term papers, scheduling, taxi service, teaching school, shopping, cooking, church music and occasionally, garage sales!
The production was a joyful experience for all of the kids and adults involved.
It was a treat to participate in the play this year at Grace Baptist Church. Congratulations to the cast, crew, directors and others involved. God was honored by your hard work, and ministry.
Click to hear an excerpt from "I've been workin' on the railroad".
April 9, 2010
Easter Photos
We took some "grandparent" shots...
...and some family shots.
Dan and Rebecca with Esther and Ruth
Dave and Rachel with Ethan and JonathanDaniel and Amanda
Daniel enjoyed having Amanda and her family join us for some of the festivities. Charity hunted eggs while the adults searched for hidden bags of goodies, each bearing his or her name.
Dave got his annual box of "peeps". No Hannah, that is not candy! Chocolate! At least I could find mine this year! Last year.... Now, which is the treasure...the bag or the boy? There it is! Samuel's bag was mostly gone by the end of the day. Our newest "seeker"! Welcome to our family hunt, Amanda! See Sarah, that was not so hard. Even the babies got a bag of goodies... But I have a feeling they had some help eating their candy this year.
Chris read the Easter Account from the Scriptures, then we sang a couple of songs together.We hope your day was filled with celebration and gratefulness to God for providing a way for lost sinners to be reconciled to God.