Thought for the Day/Week
"In my view, the Christian religion is most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people."
~Noah Webster- preface to 1828 Dictionary~
July 26, 2011
Sarah's Music Ministry
Sarah has been involved with a group of young ladies from church. Together they are working on music to present at a benefit concert for the victims of the Joplin tornado.

I've neglected my blog...so sorry.
It has been a while since my last post. Trust me, it isn't because of a lack of things to write about. I'm submitting this post...a rather long one...to catch up from where we left off this past spring. I'm starting with the more recent posts and working my way back to April. Hope you're not confused!
"this is fun gwama!" Gwama just loves those sweet smiling faces!
After Daniel and Amanda announced their engagement, we had 9 weeks to prepare for a wedding. They will marry on August 6th. We have enjoyed attending showers for the bride.
We have attended many weddings this summer. The most recent was for a young couple at church...Ashlyn and Brandon.
I think Daniel and Amanda enjoy attending weddings.
We recently kept Esther, Ruthy and James for the weekend while Dan and Rebecca celebrated their anniversary. We had such fun, playing in the water and such. 3 kids 2 and under sure do use up a lot of diapers!
Games- How well do you know Daniel?
Rebecca encouraged Amanda with a short devotional.
Amanda shared the "history" behind their relationship...it was so sweet to hear all of the events that led up to their engagement...They were both attracted to each other very early; when she was 12, and he was 14.
Sisters! I'm sure this is a culture shock for any young lady, especially since she never had any sisters. We are so blessed to add another sister to the mix, and Amanda seems to handle it very well.
This shower included a brunch.
Another shower we attended was given by Amanda's church. The couple has received some very nice gifts
Weddings seem to be the theme for the summer. The Chaney 5 were honored to play at Stacey Chaney (Kunce's) wedding in July...outside.
At Stacey's rehearsal dinner
Chris and I enjoyed the Chinese cousine. Myself more than Chris...
Rebecca and Dan's family
On our way to the restaurant, we observed some of the devastation from the Joplin tornado.
Our family's property was not affected very much, but only blocks away, it looked like this.
Joao, our Brazilian relative- father of Gabby, Kevin's wife. Ruthy enjoyed the treats that were given to her by all of the doting adults who were there for the wedding.
Esther, the flower girl, waiting for her entrance.
Charity manned the guest book.
Another common activity for the summer- bowling!
Samuel and Hannah waiting their turn.
Hannah is spending her summer working at a local stables, where she's able to board her horse. She helps with classes, and choring. She hopes to learn rodeo soon.
taking Charity for a ride
Hannah's latest livestock!!!
Father's day- dancing with Esther. Grandma and Grandpa Massey were able to join us for the day.
Jame's opinion of creamed spinach...
Samuel and Chris have joined a tennis league. They play singles on Mondays and doubles on Tuesdays. Samuel says that dad's game is improving, which is good, considering how old he is!
Chris' power serve
They're engaged!!!!
Shari and John Gerlach, Chris and I, and Daniel and Amanda celebrated the engagement.
The beautiful young couple, ready to start a new life together.
A new venture for Sarah and Charity this year...AIC (Adventures in Character) A 2-day teaching ministry during the Home-School conference. Sarah was an assistant teacher for a group of about 12 kids.
Charity, on the other hand, was a student in a different group. She had a WONDERFUL time meeting new people.
At the end of the weekend conference, all of the AIC children, and their teachers presented a program for the families.
Sarah- with old friends, and new.
Sarah- age 14
Meanwhile, back at the ol' homestead...Samuel feels the need for speed! His first motorcycle.
... and gymnastics?
Reading to the neices
A fun afternoon/evening with a group of college students from South Dakota, who did a program in our church, and then celebrated the 4th of July weekend with our church. We got to keep 2 young men at our home a couple of nights while they were in town. We are blessed to have spent time with Peter and James.
Mother's Day- entertaining the children...Dan, your doing a good job.
This year, the family took the moms to Ryans restaurant for lunch.
Daniel and Amanda were able to join us...I think Daniel prefers home cooking!
Charity astride her great steed!
Maybe not so great, but she enjoys riding her.
Amanda and Esther enjoy their rides as well...I think.
Make sure the saddle is tight!
Since the theme of the summer is weddings, nephew David was married in May.
Another family music quintet.
Charity handing out bubbles.
Another wedding, but this time just the girls played- Congratulations to Jana and Ben from our church.

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