Thought for the Day/Week


"In my view, the Christian religion is most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people."

~Noah Webster- preface to 1828 Dictionary~

January 21, 2010

The Tale of the Kind Sister

This is the story of 2 sisters...

Once upon a time, In a land far far away; (much too far from Grandma's house), there was a big sister Esther, and her baby sister Ruthy.

Esther was a good and kind big sister...reading stories to her little sister, giving her a pacifier whenever she needed it.She loved and cared for her baby sister.
Whenever baby Ruthy would cry, big sister Esther always felt sad, and said...OHHHH! She would comfort her, kiss her, and make it all better.She loved and cared for her sister very much, and was tender and kind to her all the days of her life.
The End.

Hannah spent this past Tuesday and Wednesday at Dan and Rebecca's helping Rebecca get settled in with 2 children. click the arrow to watch a short clip of our new grandbaby.

A few friends joined us Wednesday evening to welcome the new baby... and brought Ruthy some lovely gifts.
Everyone got a chance to hold her and ooooo and aaaahhhh over how beautiful she is.

Joey Flora picked out this dress all by himself!
Krista chose sunflowers...
The Gerlachs brought her a dress and tights for next fall/winter.
Thank you to our friends for welcoming the new baby into our family.

The new family.
Congratulations Dan and Rebecca.

January 15, 2010


This has been a cold and snowy winter so far. It has been so beautiful to look at...
A few nights, we had sub-zero wind chills, so the dogs came inside to sleep. Their fur has sure thickened with the cold weather.
One wintertime activity that is a particular favorite for our family is ice skating with friends.

Ice skating is one way to burn off a LOT of energy...Samuel is even exhausted!
Dan and Esther at the ice rink
After shopping, Rebecca and I joined the others at the ice rink, but we only observed. (No need to kill ourselves!)

Another winter activity that our family loves to do is play board and card games, as well as puzzles and art. Here, Chris tries to figure out a wood cube puzzle.

Charity got a "foil art kit" for Christmas, and is trying her hand at foils.

Samuel got the extensions and expansions for the game "Settlers of Catan" for Christmas. In this game, they make settlements, build communities, grow crops and raise livestock.
Charity somehow is still able to get her brothers and sisters to play Candyland with her.
Chris' favorite game is scrabble. He got the deluxe version for his birthday.

This is our newest winter activity. Samuel and Hannah bought "dog sled harnesses" for each other for Christmas this year.
The Dogs actually loved pulling the sled. It gave them a chance to get out and run hard for a while, as well as interact with the kids.
The extra snow has made it possible to sled...but finding a hill in Kansas is not an easy task!
click here to watch some sledding fun.
"Daniel, is there a sled underneath you?"
click to watch a clip of Charity and Chris sledding.

Coming back up the hill is how they get most of their exercise!

click to watch Hannah sledding.

click to see another clip. The kids enjoy taking video...just in case they get a good one!

Just so you don't think all we do is play games and have fun during the winter months, here's evidence that we can work as well.
It was a cold, snowy day out at the farm...Actually, it was Rebecca's birthday! When asked what she'd like, she told us..."Work on my new house!" A large group of friends descended upon their farmhouse, to do renovation work of all kinds!
Chris scouted out the area for the upstairs furnace, air conditioner, duct work and vents, which he will be able to install for them.
Jeff textured the walls of the living room...which took him all day. He also made a great "trash receptacle" when we removed the tape from the woodwork!
Krista and James primed and painted the dark wood panelling in the living room.
Anna assisted in the task. Hannah painted trim...
but in her spare time, did a little art-work in one of the bedrooms!OK, it was a joint effort! (I think she and Sara were getting bored with plain white primer)

Daniel and Amanda worked together on the stairway... And did their own share of artwork in the parlor...
Samuel was helpful in many of the rooms.And everyone took a turn at keeping Esther occupied and off of the wet walls!
Dan and Rebecca provided pizza and pop for the whole crew.
It was a profitable day. There is much more to do, but they have an enormous head-start.

Another thing that keeps us busy in the wintertime is spending time with our beautiful grand babies. They are growing so fast!

Our family enjoys fellowshipping with other families.
We had the privilege of spending some time with the Briscoe and Gerlach families recently. We were all able to share about God's work in our lives. We were all greatly encouraged in the Lord.
One project that is keeping Chris and the boys busy this winter, is finishing the basement bathroom. Chris has finished the plumbing and electrical work, the vent and lights, and the boys are currently working on taping and mudding the sheetrock.
We'll share more on this project as it progresses.We hope to have it done before the spring rush hits.
Well, that's what we've been doing this winter. I hope your winter is profitable and enjoyable as well.